Vintage seen by 3 Bloggers

In accordance with the 14th edition of the Marche de la Mode Vintage, we have decided to share the vintage vision of three fashion bloggers: Marie, a Lyonnais, who writes for marieandmood; Kevin, another Lyonnais, who is the man behind xylamodepourlui; and lastly Fanny, a Parisian, who created the blog lilyhope.
Marie and Mood
Lyonnais Blogger
I discovered the Marche de la Mode Vintage during my first year in Lyon. This event is, just like all vintage, completely authentic. In 2013, I was quite happy to find out about the second edition that would take place in November, two times more vintage each year!
For me, all vintage objects and clothing are unique. To wear old clothes from 50 years ago is to also wear the history that accompanies it. The vintage look is accessible to everyone, from the cost to the accessibility. Even the people who don’t completely agree with the total vintage look can accessorize with just one piece. In my case, I like mixing both recent and dated pieces and then attempt to imagine a history that I am able to tell through my look. Vintage could never be imitated!
XY la mode pour lui
Lyonnais Blogger
The 2013 edition was my first as a visitor at the Marche de la Mode Vintage, which I attended through the recommendations of my friends. I enjoy this event and it allows me to do something that I like a lot: bargain-hunting.
Vintage is not necessarily related to clothing, but also to objects, films, artists…all symbols of a specific time period.
I am married to the vintage universe and today’s world which includes my clothing style just as much as interior decoration. It’s a mix of different time periods that go equally with a mix of colors, patterns, and cuts. The finishing touches and the vintage patrons are rivalled only by themselves.
Lily Hope
Parisan Blogger
I found out about the Marche de la mode vintage while surfing the net. Right away I was captivated by the event page.
Vintage has made a thunderous comeback and the fashion sphere has turned itself with a point of nostalgia towards the past. For me, vintage is first off a way to express oneself through older clothes. Thanks to vintage, I have the feeling of contriving my own true identity.
Vintage gives rhythm to my clothing look. I enjoy wearing the total vintage look with different bargain pieces all over. I can also wear little touches of retro; I like pieces that tell a story, those that have a certain personal history. We must not hesitate to bring forward clothes that provide the outfit with a modern touch. For myself, I have always liked mixing both styles.